Heltec HT-M2808 “miner release” empty

So I have a miner that did not want to connect for a while.

It was showing the same information on the “management web service” as some others have posted in the Heltec Forum. (image taken from Heltec forum http://community.heltec.cn/t/my-heltec-m2808-no-connect/10393)

In the end, what seemed to fix (still downloading the blockchain) was to upload the latest “miner image” I could get my hands on. I tried several of them, but only the latest seemed to work, after the miner was left alone overnight and it finally upgraded it’s firmware from the 1.2.7 version to 1.3.4 (not the newest, I expect the miner to upgrade to 1.3.5 when it’s done with downloading the blockchain). After that I could install miner-arm64_2022.04.27.0_GA.tar and the miner finally showed something in the “miner image” variable.

I hope this will solve your issues, since from what I’ve seen there isn’t much of support from Heltec. I guess I can see why they can’t answer questions, but a more useful FAQ (in specific cases like these) would help. Also some more logging (and knowing how to access it) would be nice.

I will upload the files in the hopes they will help someone. Good luck.





This is what “miner release” should look like.

Use OpenWRT 19.07.7 With TPLink DecoM5 V3

Here I am linking two files I compiled myself with some motivation from some nice people at the OpenWRT IRC Channel.

And thanks to the modifications made to the source code by frankveltmans @ github

The linked firmware is a fairly simple version, having LuCI but only as http service and with WPAD-Wolf or Openssl precompiled (I forgot which one) but 802.11s works. I think the factory.bin file has the same things as the sysupgrade, but I’m not sure. I installed both anyway.

If you need any other packages precompiled in the firmware let me know, as all the sources and stuff are on the server anyway and it’s fairly easy to recompile.

To install you will need to follow these instructions:


Make sure you change the filename of squashfs-factory to M5v1_tp_recovery.bin or else the router will not take it. The sysupgrade one you can then later add through LuCI. There the name does not matter.



Good Luck!

Openvpn expired certificates

Taken from here:


On 18.08.2020

Thank you man, very useful.

OpenVPN – expired certificates

2018-11-13 00:00 | tags: linuxvpnopenvpn

Server certificates

CA certificate

In case that CA certificate (lets name it ca.crt) gets expired, clients can’t connect to the OpenVPN server anymore. You need to generate new CA certificate signed with the same key (usually named ca.key) as the old one to avoid the need to regenerate all client certificates also.

Use following command to do so:

openssl x509 -in ca.crt -days 36500 -out ca.crt.new -signkey ca.key
  • 36500days = 100years = validity of the new ca.crt
  • rename ca.crt to ca.crt.old
  • rename ca.crt.new to ca.crt
  • restart / reload OpenVPN
  • distribute new ca.crt to all clients
  • check server certificate – it usually expires also, because both are generated during OpenVPN installation and usually have the same validity

Server certificate

In case that server certificate gets expired, simply generate new one using easy-rsa scripts:

. vars
./buid-key-server server
  • reload / restart OpenVPN after that

Client certificate(s)

When client certificate gets expired, you can generate new one using previous .csr file this way:

. vars
./sign-req <certificate-name>
  • send the new .crt file to the client
  • client’s .key file is not changed => same password, we don’t need to know it to generate new .crt


Permitir diferentes modos de login en ssh dependiendo del puerto

A veces queremos que un puerto de ssh quede expuesto por la WAN, pero que no se pueda “brute-force”ar, así que podemos permitir un puerto con solo key, y otro normal.

Port 22
Port 2222

Match LocalPort 2222
PasswordAuthentication no

Debe quedar forzosamente al final del archivo de configuración.

Gracias a esta página que fue donde lo encontré:


Configurar proxy para APT




I managed to solve it in the following way. Go to the following folder:

cd /etc/apt/apt.conf.d

Create a file named 10proxy:

sudo nano 10proxy

Without authentication add the following line:

Acquire::http::Proxy "http://yourproxyaddress:proxyport/";

With authentication:

Acquire::http::Proxy "http://username:password@yourproxyaddress:proxyport/";

The /at the very end was important. Without it it did not work.

MRTG para graficar datos de un DS18B20 en una Raspberry Pi

Tomado de aquí:


Antes de instalar cualquier cosa hay que activar el sistema de 1wire en la Raspberry. Para lograr esto hay que editar el archivo

nano /boot/config.txt



Esto hace que se active el gpio4, es decir el pin número 7 en el header

apt-get install mrtg mrtg-rrd rrdtool snmp snmpd

Make /etc/mrtg.cfg owned by and readable only by root? ⇒ NO ↵

cd /var/

mkdir www
cd /var/www

mkdir mrtg

mkdir -p /var/www/cgi-bin

ln -s /usr/lib/cgi-bin/mrtg-rrd.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin/mrtg-rrd.cgi

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/*

sed -i ‘s|import Socket6;|Socket6->import(qw(inet_pton getaddrinfo));|’ /usr/share/perl5/SNMP_Session.pm

mv /etc/mrtg.cfg /etc/mrtg.cfg.bak

cd /home/pi

su pi

mkdir ~/graph

cd /home/pi/graph

nano temp-mrtg-update.sh

# Temperatur von Sensor auslesen
# (c) Sebastian Hemel

if [ -f $sensor ]
sensorraw=`cat $sensor`
crc=`echo $sensorraw | cut -f2 -d= | cut -c4-6`
if [ “$crc” = “YES” ]
tempraw=`echo $sensorraw | cut -f3 -d=`
temp=`echo “scale=3; $tempraw / 1000” | bc`
#temp=`echo “scale=2; $tempraw / 1000” | bc`

# Update database
#echo $temp
printf “%04.2f” $temp
echo 0
echo 0
echo temperature


chmod 750 /home/pi/graph/temp-mrtg-update.sh

sudo cfgmaker –global “Options[_]: growright” –global “IconDir: /mrtg” –global “WriteExpires: Yes” –global “Language: german” –global “RunAsDaemon: yes” –global “EnableIPv6: no” –global “LogFormat: rrdtool” –global “Interval: 1” ‘–if-filter=$if_admin && $default_iftype’ –output /etc/mrtg.cfg public@localhost



editar mrtg.cfg

Global Config Options

#  for UNIX
# WorkDir: /home/http/mrtg

#  for Debian
HtmlDir: /var/www/mrtg
WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg
Imagedir: /var/www/mrtg

#  or for NT
# WorkDir: c:\mrtgdata

### Global Defaults
#  to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right
# Options[_]: growright, bits

EnableIPv6: no
Options[_]: growright
IconDir: /mrtg
WriteExpires: Yes
Language: german
RunAsDaemon: yes
EnableIPv6: no
LogFormat: rrdtool
Interval: 1

# System: DS18S20 Temperatur Sensor
# Contact: root
# Location: attached to Raspberry Pi
### DS18S20 Temperatur SensorIngolstadt
TimeStrPos[temp_ingolstadt]: RU
Target[temp_ingolstadt]: `/home/pi/graph/temp-mrtg-update.sh`
Options[temp_ingolstadt]: gauge,growright,nopercent,expscale,transparent
Title[temp_ingolstadt]: Temperatur Ingolstadt
PageTop[temp_ingolstadt]: <h1>Temperatur Ingolstadt</h1>
MaxBytes[temp_ingolstadt]: 60
#Unscaled[temp_ingolstadt]: ymwd
Step[temp_ingolstadt]: 60
Legend1[temp_ingolstadt]: Gemessene Temperatur in Ingolstadt
LegendI[temp_ingolstadt]: Aussentemperatur
YLegend[temp_ingolstadt]: Grad Celsius
ShortLegend[temp_ingolstadt]: Grad °C


sudo cp /usr/share/mrtg/* /var/www/mrtg/

sudo env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg.cfg


Pinout Amica Nodemcu (ESP2866)




While writing GPIO code on NodeMCU, you can’t address them with actual GPIO Pin Numbers. There are different I/O Index numbers assigned to each GPIO Pin which is used for GPIO Pin addressing. Refer following table to check I/O Index of NodeMCU GPIO Pins –

GPIO Pin I/O Index Number
GPIO0  3
GPIO1  10
GPIO2  4
GPIO3  9
GPIO4  2
GPIO5  1
GPIO9  11
GPIO10  12
GPIO12  6
GPIO13  7
GPIO14  5
GPIO15  8
GPIO16  0


Stolen from:

NodeMCU Pinout

10 Alimentos que debes evitar para bajar la panza

  1. Alcohol, especialmente los cocteles. (También porque el alcohol da más hambre)
  2. Sodas, tampoco las de Lai
  3. Chicle, ya que el sistema se prepara para recibir comida.
  4. Alimentos con mucho sodio.
  5. Fast Food
  6. Mayonesa (según esto tiene 80% de grasa)
  7. Alimentos fritos en aceite
  8. Helado
  9. Alimentos que te hinchan, como leche, manzana, lentejas, frijoles, alcachofas.
  10. Alimentos con sustitutos de azúcar.